New Goals for 2017!


Hello New Year!  I can’t believe it is already 2017! Of course, like most of us, all I can think about is setting new goals for the year and reflecting on 2016.  The last few months I’ve majorly slacked on my creativity, journaling, and this blog because life happens.  I’m pregnant and I’ve got a bun in the oven that’s making me SUPER sick! I am 5 months pregnant now and FINALLY getting a little relief from this little peanut.  Wooo Hoo.  It feels so good to be almost back to my old self!


Now that I am feeling saucy and creative, I’ve got plenty of goals in mind for the new year.  I’ve immersed myself into some of my favorite creative planning books along with a new one called “Your Best Year 2017: Productivity Workbook and Creative Business Planner” by Lisa Jacobs.  I’ve heard great things about this creative planner from fellow bloggers and just had to get my hands on it.  So far I’m loving it.  My main focus this year will be directed towards improving my business/blog and getting a little bit more organized in that regard.

I also want to motivate other creative entrepreneurs and share my creative journey as a business owner in hopes you can learn something.  That’s the one thing I’m constantly searching for from other successful bloggers… did they do it? What did they do to get to where they are today?   I feel like it is kind of a hidden secret. I mean, I want to know the products they use,  marketing strategies, the workshops they’ve taken, and all the tips and tricks along the way. Even the horrible mistakes.  I want to create a road map of my journey to help you with yours.


Some other changes I’d like to make are posting on a consistent basis.  I am very guilty of posting on a whim when I feel motivated.  Does anyone else have that problem? I surely can’t be the only one!

I think I am going to get rid of the monthly journal prompts for now just because I’m kind of over it.  Don’t get me wrong.  I still think journal prompts are great.  But I feel like doing something a little bit different. Instead of the monthly journal prompts for each day of the month, I’ll do ONE journal prompt for the month along with a journal spread to inspire you.


Here is a spread from my bullet journal on quarterly goals inspired by Boho Berry. I just love this idea. I still have to fill out my action steps.

Okay. Okay. Enough about me and my goals. I want to hear about you and your goals for 2017! Lets make 2017 great!

My challenge for you is setting five goals that you can accomplish in the next three months.  Then creating an action plan for those goals. Make sure you set S.M.A.R.T goals.

S: Specific

M: Measurable

A:  Achievable

R:  Relevant

T:  Time-Based

Please share some of your goals with me in the comments!  Would love to hear them. 

January Journaling Prompt

journaling prompts. journal prompts. quotes. collage journaling. magazine scraps. magazine clippings. art journaling. collage journal. gluebook. smashbook. mixed media. kelly kilmer. ephemera. journaling ephemera. vision boards. dream boards.

Happy New Year!!! Here is your journaling prompt for the month of January!

Finding Her Voice

The Art of Discovery.

The Stories Begin Here

This month I kept my journal spread pretty simple.  Sometimes it’s harder to get started when you have to set up your art space.  Gathering all your paints, stamps, and embellishments can be quiet a lot of work in itself making you not want to journal at all.

What’s great about this spread is you can sit on your couch, thumb through some old magazines, ripping pages out as you go and simply paste images down with your glue stick. Easy Peasy!


Below is a list of the supplies I used to create this journal spread. Have fun exploring January’s journal prompt.  Get as artsy as you want.  And share your work with me in the comments!

Supplies List:



October Journaling Prompts!


Wow! I can’t believe it’s almost already October! September has been a little crazy because my son turned O-N-E this month and I threw a big Lion King party.  I made all of the decorations myself.  It seems that Lion King is a thing of the 90’s because there really isn’t much out there nowadays.  I loved having an “excuse” to be crafty and had fun making all the decorations though.  I might share some pictures from the party a little later and share how I made some of the decorations.

In October, I’m hoping to write a few more blog posts on art journaling now that things have slowed down a bit at home.  Until then, I hope you enjoy more journaling prompts! Be sure to check out my other journaling prompts if you’ve missed out on those!

  1. How can you change someone’s life for the better today?
  2. I couldn’t imagine living without….?
  3. What always brings tears to your eyes?
  4. What’s one topic you need to learn more about to help you live a more fulfilling life?
  5. What new habits would you like to cultivate?
  6. In what ways can you re-structure my time?
  7. What fun activity would you like to incorporate into your life?  What steps can you take to make it happen?
  8. Who are the three most important people in your life?  Write a little about each person and why they are important.
  9. Where do you want to be in 5, 10, 20 or 40 years?
  10. What was the last life lesson you learned?  Why do you think you needed to learn this lesson?
  11. What stops you from making the first step towards your dream?
  12. Do any of the things that used to upset you a few years ago matter at all today? What’s changed?
  13. List 20 things you are grateful for.
  14. If you had one year left to live, what would you try to achieve?
  15. How would you describe yourself?
  16. What comes to your mind when you think of “taking care” of yourself?
  17. What would your life look & feel like if you had balance, peace, & calm as an every day experience?
  18. Write a gratitude note to a friend, listing all the things you like & admire about them.
  19. What could you let go of to give you more balance?
  20. What do you need help with in your life?  Is there something that you have been struggling to create but the path seems filled with obstacles?
  21. If you could live one day over and over again, what would you choose to do?
  22. What is the most important quality you look for in another person?
  23. If you could tell your younger self one thing, what would it be?
  24. What was the best day of your life? Why?
  25. Do you say ‘yes’ too often when you really want to say ‘no’? Why?
  26. What is the number one change you need to make in your life before the end of the year?
  27. How can you simplify your life and focus on the most important things to you?
  28. What stresses you out?
  29. What do you most regret never telling someone?
  30. Do you think you would be happy if you never had to work again? Why?
  31. What is your favorite Halloween memory?  Describe it?  Why is it your favorite memory?

September Journaling Prompts!


Summer is coming to a close.  And I have more journaling prompts for you!  Have fun with these prompts!  Add colorful splashes to your page with markers, gel pens, and doodles!  Pick and choose the prompts you like or simply go down the list in order.

1.  What are your thoughts on intuition?
2. What do you daydream about now? What do you think about when you are stopped at a traffic light or when you are lying in bed at night?
3.  What if you knew for certain that everything you are currently worried about would work out okay?  What would you do?
4.  Is their a problem area in your financial life?  If so, describe it.  What are your beliefs about money?
5.  What single change in your life would give you the most joy?
6.  What is the one thing that you most envy in others?
7.  What small step could you take that would lead you in the direction of your dreams?
8.  What do you do when you feel stressed?
9.  How would you describe the darkest time and circumstances in your life?  What was going on?  How did you handle it?  How do you feel about that dark time in your life now?
10.  What are the interests in your life that bring you joy or make you feel excited?
11.  When you are faced with uncertainty, what are some of the bigger changes or transitions that affect you?
12.  Write a few lines about something you feel unhappy about in your life right now.  If you could wave a magic wand and create a happy, new situation, what would that be?
13.  List four successes that you are proud of achieving.  What qualities do you feel you developed as the result of these successes?
14.  List those unanswered questions that have been plaguing you since childhood.
15.  What sort of “secret life” do you think about, or even engage in?
16.  What is your signature color?  Red?  Blue?  Pink?  Think of your wardrobe, what colors do you wear most?  Why do you like this color?  What does this color mean and represent to you?
17.  Write a letter of encouragement to your creative self.  Recognize your accomplishments and obstacles.
18.  Write about the worst thing that ever happened to you.  How has this experience shaped you and made you different?  What lessons did you learn from this experience?
19.  Cut random shapes from paper of at least three different colors.  Play around with the different shapes on a bigger piece of paper.  Write about what you learned.
20.  Do something a kid would do:  play with bubbles in a bath, color in a coloring book, play with leaves, sticks, and mud…..Write about how this experience felt.
21.  What if it didn’t matter if I (or it) was _______________ or not?
22.  What if you went wild?  Did something you’d never do?  What would it be?  What would happen?
23.  What physical activities feel like play to you?  What makes you smile and captures your attention for no other reason than it’s fun for you?
24.  List 10 activities that make you feel good?
25.  What parts of yourself do you regularly hide from others?
26.  Something about yourself that you really would like to see your children emulate is….?
27.  What parts of yourself are you holding onto that no longer are a true part of who you want to be?
28.  What are some events in your life you feel guilty about not being present for? Are you feeling guilty because you actually wanted to be there, or is this an outside pressure?
29.  What parts of your life are most distracting?
30.  Describe your perfect vacation?  Where are you?  What activities are you doing?  Who are you with?





30 Day Affirmations Challenge! (Why I Love Positive Affirmations!)


affirmation. writing affirmations. affirmations. positive thinking. manifesting. creative goal-setting. journaling goals. creative journaling. visual journal. law of attraction. creative visualization. 30 day affirmations challenge. meditations. personal growth. creativity. creative affirmations. shakti gawain. positive affirmations. miracle morning. fitness affirmation. positive thinking. positive thoughts.

I am all about writing affirmations to create positive change in my life.  I believe they work, that is, when I write them consistently in my journal.  Just like everyone I go through the ebbs and flows of life–sometimes I’m a moody artist (as my husband likes to call it).  Other times, I’m focused on self-improvement and positive thinking.  If I had my way I would choose positive thinking 10/10 times. That’s easier said than done though.

Therein lies, the great power of writing DAILY affirmations and choosing the right affirmation for you!  Affirmations are positive statements you tell yourself about your life and the success you imagine is coming your way.  I always believed in positive affirmations but never saw dramatic change until recently.  I finally figured out why my past affirmations weren’t working and the steps I need to take in order to see long-term change.

This method has helped me accomplish some of my goals and given me more confidence in blogging and writing than ever before.  Along with blogging more frequently (and experiencing the flow of creativity and effortless writing),  I have been working out again, thanks to my fitness affirmation and the Miracle Morning.


My fitness affirmation:  “Every day I am growing healthier & more attractive.  Everything I do adds to my health & beauty.  Everything I eat adds to my health, beauty, & attractiveness.  This or something better now manifest for me in totally satisfying & harmonious ways for the highest good of all concerned.  And so it is!”

Are you ready to benefit from the power of affirmations too?  First, I am going to share with you my experience, affirmation process, and give you tips along the way to help you start your own journey.

My Story:  For years and years I’ve wanted to have a successful blog.  This desire probably dates back to 2007, if not earlier.  I even started a WordPress blog back then with little success and lots of confusion on the mechanics behind a website  (marketing, SEO, website design, photography, etc). Everything about running a website seemed so overwhelming and impossible. At that time in my life, most of my journal entries and affirmations were focused on how I didn’t want to feel rather than how I DID want to feel.

Flash forward, to 2014, I still have this desire to blog and motivate women to be creative and achieve their goals. My husband helps me build a site for my jewelry using Shopify. (I think to myself, why didn’t I ask him to help me sooner–way easier than trying to figure it out on my own!)  Overtime, I learn the ends and out of Shopify and their blog platform (I don’t like their blog platform and want to change to something else but don’t know where to begin).  My journal entries are still mostly about how I don’t want to feel.

Art journaling in my creative notebook. Visual notebook. Creative sketchbook. Creative journaling. Creative notebook. Ephemera. Magazine clippings. Daily planner. Creative Planner. Inner Critic. Journaling prompts.

Friday Nov. 6th, 2015:  “Where I am today/ now?  I feel stuck, overwhelmed, anxious, blocked, cluttered, annoyed, and cranky.  I feel self-doubt.  Will my website be successful?  Will I get a following and make money doing it?…….” 

From this old entry, you can see where my head is at.  I also experiment with different affirmations to help motivate me to write more blog posts.

My affirmation:  “I am easily able to write blog posts.  I am now able to write blog posts with ease.  I now have a successful blog and write with ease……” 

I rewrote this affirmation a few different ways.  I know that the words “write”, “blog posts”, and “easily” were trigger words that didn’t make me feel good because I didn’t believe I could write well.  This affirmation certainly wasn’t working for me.  I had too much negative emotion attached to it.  Even now I don’t like the sound of it.  As I look back on old journals I notice a lot of different affirmations.  I never focused on ONE affirmation or area in my life for an extended period of time.  I always wrote a different affirmation depending on my mood at the time.

In the middle of April 2016, after a long hiatus of not writing in my journal regularly, I grab my go-to book, “Creative Visualization” by Shakti Gawain, to start writing affirmations again (I have probably read this book 10 times–it’s great for when I need a positive pick me up!)  After experimenting with different affirmations, this is the one I choose.  I absolutely love this affirmation!  It makes me feel empowered and happy with no negative emotions attached to it.

My Creative Affirmation:  “I am now an open channel for creative energy.  Creative ideas & inspiration are coming to me every day.  This or something better now manifest for me in totally satisfying and harmonious ways for the highest good of all concerned.  And so it is!”

affirmation. writing affirmations. affirmations. positive thinking. manifesting. creative goal-setting. journaling goals. creative journaling. visual journal. law of attraction. creative visualization. 30 day affirmations challenge. meditations. personal growth. creativity. creative affirmations. shakti gawain. positive affirmations. miracle morning. fitness affirmation. positive thinking. positive thoughts. jewelry. trendovy. necklace druzy. druzy necklace.

Necklace:  “Gentle Spirit” by Trendovy

I wrote this affirmation down regularly in my journal, over and over.  I choose to focus solely on this affirmation in hopes it would help with my business, blog and creativity.  As soon as I began working with this affirmation I started to see improvements.  Within a few days, I had this explainable confidence and knowledge to design and transfer my blog over to WordPress–I did this all by myself!  This is something I’ve wanted to do for two years.

As I continued working with this affirmation I began posting blog articles each month.  I have written 14 blog posts in 4 months!  This may not seem like a lot but when you compare it to the 10 blog posts I had written in two years previously,  it is quiet the transformation!  I’ve even noticed a change in my journaling.  I no longer fill the pages with what I don’t want or complaints.  My entries are mostly filled with to-do’s, ideas and inspiration, and lots of book notes.

That is why I believe in the power of affirmations!  I have seen such amazing results in such a short time.  I still love my creative affirmation and use it everyday!  Now that I’ve focused on that affirmation for an extended period of time, I have recently added an additional fitness affirmation to the mix.  I write or read my two affirmations daily.

Are you ready to start your 30 Day Affirmations Challenge?!  Let me share a few tips to help you begin!

Tips for Writing Affirmations:

When you start working with affirmations have fun with it. There are so many great resources out there on writing affirmations.  One of my favorite books on the subject as mentioned above is “Creative Visualization” by Shakti Gawain.  She has wonderful techniques and exercises to help you think positive and visualize your goals.

Another personal favorite is, “How to Get Everything You Ever Wanted” by Adrian Calabrese.  She breaks down the process into 6 Steps–(Proclaim it!, Affirm it!, Sanctify it!, Energize it!, Invoke it!, and Give thanks for it!)

My third favorite is, “Your Heart’s Desire” by Sonia Choquette.  She shares personal stories and has nine principles to help you master the art of manifestation.  Her exercises will help you clarify your goals.  She also provides fun meditation exercises.

affirmation. writing affirmations. affirmations. positive thinking. manifesting. creative goal-setting. journaling goals. creative journaling. visual journal. law of attraction. creative visualization. 30 day affirmations challenge. meditations. personal growth. creativity. creative affirmations. shakti gawain. positive affirmations. miracle morning. fitness affirmation. positive thinking. positive thoughts. jewelry. trendovy. necklace druzy. druzy necklace. boho necklace. arrowhead necklace.

Necklace:  “Gypsy Soul” by Trendovy

affirmation. writing affirmations. affirmations. positive thinking. manifesting. creative goal-setting. journaling goals. creative journaling. visual journal. law of attraction. creative visualization. 30 day affirmations challenge. meditations. personal growth. creativity. creative affirmations. shakti gawain. positive affirmations. miracle morning. fitness affirmation. positive thinking. positive thoughts. jewelry. trendovy. necklace druzy. druzy necklace. boho necklace. arrowhead necklace.

affirmation. writing affirmations. affirmations. positive thinking. manifesting. creative goal-setting. journaling goals. creative journaling. visual journal. law of attraction. creative visualization. 30 day affirmations challenge. meditations. personal growth. creativity. creative affirmations. shakti gawain. positive affirmations. miracle morning. fitness affirmation. positive thinking. positive thoughts. jewelry. trendovy. necklace druzy. druzy necklace. boho necklace. arrowhead necklace. sharktooth necklace

Necklace:  “Karma” by Trendovy

Tip 1:  Focus on an area you’d like to improve and state it as if it’s already true.  If you feel any resistance with your affirmation–tweak the words until you feel good about it.  Some times there are trigger words that ignite a feeling of disbelief and doubt.  It’s better to remove those words and come up with something better.  Look online or read motivational books for inspiration!  I had to do this a few times before I came up with my creative affirmation.  It was no where near where I wanted it to be.

Tip 2:  Gauge your emotional response to your affirmations.  Think of your emotions as a number on a “happiness scale” ranging from 1-10. Where 10 equals feeling bad, negative, full of doubt and disbelief and 1 feeling excited, encouraged, blissful, and giddy! You’ll ideally want to be a 1 on the happiness scale.

Tip 3:  A few examples to get you started. Let’s turn your desires into affirmations!


  • Let’s say you want a relationship:  Write:  “I am beautiful and ready for love!”
  • If your house is cluttered and a mess:  Write“I live in a beautiful home feeling relaxed and comfortable” 
  • If you want to lose weight:  Write:  “Everyday I am growing healthier and more attractive.”
  • If you are thinking negative:  Write:  “Happiness is a part of my life now and I feel deeply relaxed and centered.”

Tip 4:  Always leave room for something better to manifest.  I learned this technique from “Creative Visualization” by Shakti Gawain.

I always finish my statements with this sentence or something similar to it:  “This or something better now manifest for me in totally satisfying and harmonious ways for the highest good of all concerned.  And so it is!”  It leaves room for something better to come your way. 

Are you ready to start your 30 Day Affirmations Challenge?!

Your 30 Day Affirmations Challenge:

I challenge you to focus on ONE specific area you’d like to improve and create an affirmation for it.  WRITE this affirmation in your journal or on a piece of paper each day for the next 30 days!

I’d love to hear about your experience with this 30 day affirmation challenge!! Please share your thoughts and experiences with me.  I hope you make affirmations a part of you life and reap the rewards of positive thinking and believing in yourself!


Setting Up Your Bullet Journal (How I Set Up Mine)


Have you heard of Bullet Journaling?  It is all the rage among list makers and planner keepers!  Bullet Journaling is a personalized planner for goal-setting, list making, memory keeping and tracking your day-to-day activities in a fun, colorful way.

I came across Bullet Journaling a few years ago but never really understood it and thought all the symbols seemed way too confusing.  That is until I discovered, Kara, the blogger of bohoberry is a bullet journal guru.  After reading her blog and looking at some of her YouTube videos, bullet journaling really piqued my interest again.  I always wanted a better way to plan and organize my goals but hadn’t really found a system that worked.

Luckily Mother’s Day was just around the corner.  I asked my husband for a Leuchtturm 1917 (A5) Dot Grid notebook (has index and pages already numbered) and a set of Staedtler markers to begin my bullet journaling (a.k.a. bujo) adventures.  While waiting for my notebook to arrive, I researched the basics of bullet journaling, watched YouTube videos, and looked on Instagram and Pinterest for inspiration.


This is how I set up my first bullet journal.  I am still tweaking and figuring out what works best for me.  And will continue to customize my bujo for my needs.  I encourage you to do that as well!  Keep what works and remove what doesn’t!


The Key:  Represents the symbols I use for my tasks, events, appointments, and notes.  I looked on Pinterest for bullet journaling key ideas and chose what I liked best and added a few symbols of my own.

I also, added a Color Chart Key for my daily Time Tracker (tracking 24 hours of the day in my daily spreads for the time spent on activities.) I will discuss this further down in the daily spreads section.


Affirmation:  I designated a page for my affirmation.  This is the area in my life that I am focusing on at the moment….CREATIVITY.  Some people just choose a word for the year but I like affirmations better because I always see positive change when I use them consistently.  I may even write an affirmation at the beginning of each month.  It just depends on my needs at the current time.

Calendar:  I made a year-at-a-glance calendar spread.


Headers and Banners Inspiration:  I watched a bohoberry Youtube tutorial on banners and headers and doodled along with the video.  It’s a good way to practice.  I also looked on Pinterest and Instagram for header and banner ideas too.  Pinterest and Instagram will become your new best friend if you want some bujo inspiration!  I use different headers and banners for the date on my daily spreads.


June Log:  This is a monthly-at-a-glance calendar spread.  It’s a general overview of the events/appointments happening in the month.   I used the day of the week and number that correspond with that day.  I did this format instead of a typical calendar spread because I already have the months graphed out in my creative journal.  Didn’t want to repeat it in this journal.  Plus, formatting the month this way makes it super easy and not as time consuming as graphing a standard calendar.

Ugh, I messed up when I first wrote June and covered it up with a magazine scrap.  I don’t love this spread for that reason but I am not going to agonize over perfection.  You will have mistakes and that’s okay.  The important thing is tracking your appointments, events  and writing in your bujo.

Projects:  I added some goals/ projects that I’d like to complete for the month.


June Memories:  I did a memories page for the month of June.  This is where I doodle cute little pictures of important activities, events, and highlight memories that happened during the month.

Okay, I’m not perfect….I started this post in the beginning of June…and it is now August.  My June Memories page is still blank. lol I still like the idea of keeping a memories page and will continue to do so.  I’m just going to go back and doodle my memories for June this month.

June Tracker:  My June Tracker is a habits tracker that tracks which activities I do regularly.  I got the inspiration for this spread from bohoberry.  I really like the habit tracker because you feel like you are accomplishing tasks and it lets you know how much you are doing something.


Gratitude:  I love my gratitude spread!  I write one thing I am grateful for each day of the month.  You can write as many gratitude’s as you’d like for the day but I find that writing one per day is manageable.  I enjoy it.  It reminds me to be thankful for even the little things in life I might otherwise overlook.  And helps me be more optimistic.



Doodle Challenge:  The doodle challenge is meant to get me drawing and doodling more on a regularly basis.  I am supposed to doodle each day of the month.  I’m not gonna lie.  Sometimes I didn’t doodle and just made up for it by doing more than one doodle on other days.  I looked online, mostly Pinterest for doodle ideas.

If doodling or drawing isn’t your thing you can create any type of daily challenge.  Maybe you want to read more.  Create a challenge for getting some daily reading done.  Or if you want to exercise more maybe you create a fun exercise challenge spread.


Daily Spread:  Daily Spreads are fun because they look pretty and colorful when you are done.  I add a time tracker before the date. Throughout the day, I color in the time spent on  activities.

  • Time Tracker:  I number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 to signify 24 hours in a day.
    • I fill in the times I’ve spend on activities using their proper color code from my Color Chart Key.  For example,
      • Sleep = Blue
      • Appointments = Green

As you can see on (Thursday 6-2-16)  I slept from 11 pm- 7 am and had an appointment from 1-4 pm.

Next, I doodle the date.  Then add the days weather with a weather icon.  I really don’t need to add the days weather because I can just look on my phone but it’s fun drawing them and adds a little color to the page.

I add my goals/tasks for the day and checked them off when complete.  I add quotes and affirmations that resonate with me.  I don’t always add quotes to my dailies only when I feel like it.

You can add a Weekly Spread into the mix too.  I didn’t do it this time and probably won’t because I think with the Monthly Log and my Dailies I track enough.  It just depends on your needs and how busy you are.  I just love the customization of the bullet journal.

I will keep you updated on the evolution of my bullet journal as time passes.  I’d love to hear some of your tips and tricks too!

Facing your Inner Critic–My Creative Journaling Process

How do you face the blank page of your notebook?  Do you tackle it with ease and start writing right away?  Or does your inner critic kick in making you worry about perfection and fill you with self-doubt?  Maybe that loud pesky voice urges you to create a master piece, so you don’t start at all, in fear that others may not like it. Or you have too many art supplies that you can’t decide which one to choose and you get overwhelmed?  I am guilty of that one, that’s for sure!  I’m kind of an art supply junky! 🙂

Each time I sit down to journal I approach the page differently depending on my mood. Sometimes, I look through my magazine clippings first. Select a few images I like and put them aside until I am ready to glue them down and journal.  If I’m in the creative spirit and have a little extra time, I’ll do it right then and there. Or I paste a few images ahead of time randomly throughout my notebook if I don’t feel like writing at the moment.

Most of the time, I don’t add any images and just get my thoughts down on paper.  I let the writing flow without making judgments about myself.  I don’t worry about my messy handwriting or scratchy marks.  I let my intuition guide me through the process. Then, weeks or months after the fact, I skim through my notebook to paste images down to old entries–that is, if space allows it–and add some additional color with markers and Washi tape.

Art journaling in my creative notebook. Visual notebook. Creative sketchbook. Creative journaling. Creative notebook. Ephemera. Magazine clippings. Daily planner. Creative Planner. Inner Critic. Journaling prompts.

I like all of these journaling methods.  It adds great variety and spontaneity to my journal. It helps quiet my inner critic.  Some pages I love and find beautiful.  Others are bland and ugly and I don’t care.  My more thought out pages (like below) are usually prettier than the pages where I’ve written first and later pasted images down.  But with the combination of each of these styles it gives me freedom to express myself and makes no demands when I haven’t the time for it. And that’s what I love.  What are some of your favorite journal methods and techniques? 

Through all of this, one thing is certain, my inner critic is like a revolving door that keeps going and going if it isn’t silenced. It surfaces when I try to make the page a piece of art I’d like the world to see.  Or if I edit as I go, in hopes, to achieve grammatically sound sentences to win some outlandish, non-existent Nobel prize.  Can you relate? Well, let’s try out one of my favorite methods and conquer the blank page together!

Art journaling in my creative notebook. Visual notebook. Creative sketchbook. Creative journaling. Creative notebook. Ephemera. Magazine clippings. Daily planner. Creative Planner. Inner Critic. Journaling prompts.

Grab your favorite drink, journal supplies and let’s begin!


No matter what method I choose I always date my page before I write an entry.

Step 1:  Start with the date.  Write the date different than you normally would.  Maybe write it vertical instead of horizontal.  Play with different font styles and sizes.


Step 2:  Browse through some magazines and rip out any pictures that catch your eye.  I had an old Anthropologie catalog sitting on my desk and ripped out images I liked the day before.  Select a few images you like and play around with different layouts.  Once you like how the images look on the page then glue them down with a glue stick.


Step 3:  Start journaling!  Let your intuition guide you during the writing process.  Write whatever is on your mind.  Have fun discovering more about yourself.  You might be surprised with what you find.  Or use a journal prompt.  I have a great list of prompts ready for you to use from my monthly prompt series.


Step 4:  Add a splash of color with markers, crayons, or color pencils.  I colored the date with the same color scheme as the images to finish the page.

Aww…journaling is so much fun! Bam! You just punched your inner critic in the face!  That should quiet her down for a while.  At least, let’s hope!

I hope you enjoyed this mini tutorial!  I’d love to hear how you quiet your inner critic.  Please, share your ideas and journals with me!

August Journaling Prompts!

journaling prompts. 31 journaling prompts. august journaling prompts. monthly journal prompts. journal prompts. journal questions

Hello! It’s that time again….more journaling prompts!

  1.  List 25 qualities you love about yourself.
  2.  What year has been your best so far?
  3.   How do you spend your time resting?
  4.   What does abundance look like to you?  List 15 things that would make you feel abundant.
  5.  How do you spend your summer months?
  6.  What is your most treasured possession and why?
  7.  How does journaling help you?
  8.  Write a letter to your teenage self.
  9.   How do you want to be remembered?
  10. Write your bucket list!  Have fun with it.  Make it a dream board.  Add pictures from magazines if you’d like.
  11.   If you could run away where would you go?  Why?
  12.   Where do you feel safest?
  13.  List 20 things that represent “blissful” to you.
  14. What childhood activity would you love to bring back into your life.
  15.  What positive thing do you bring to your relationship with your family?
  16.  If you had $500 what would you buy?
  17.   This morning, when I got out of bed, I….
  18.  Who is the strongest person you know?
  19. List 10 people, living or dead, you would invite to dinner.  Include the dinner menu.
  20.  What is something or someone you miss?
  21. List your goals for September.
  22. If you had a super power what would it be?
  23. List 20 things you are grateful for.
  24. Write about the best or worst date you’ve ever been on.
  25. If you could be famous for one thing, what would it be?  Why?
  26.  What is your favorite part of your day and why?
  27.  Before you go to sleep, you sometimes think….
  28. Write a poem about your day.
  29. If I could read one person’s mind today, who would it be and why?
  30.  The scariest thing that ever happened to me was…
  31. Write a story that involves magic.

July Journaling Prompts!

journaling prompts. journal prompts. 31 journal prompts. self-discovery questions. art journaling. bullet journaling. bullet journal. bujo prompts. bujo. journal questions. creative journaling. planner. creative planner

It’s that time again! More journaling prompts. Hope you enjoyed last month’s journaling prompts! Here is a list of prompts for each day of the month of July.  Feel free to journal each day using these prompts or pick and choose when you feel inspired to write.  Enjoy!

  1. List all the qualities you love about yourself.
  2. What stories does your family like to tell about you from when you were younger?
  3. What did you really enjoy doing as a child?  As a teenager?  Are these activities still important to you?
  4. List the fantastic pranks you’ve successfully pulled off.
  5. What are the major turning points in your life?
  6. What failures, struggles, or disappointments did you experience as an adolescent or young adult?
  7. List the things you’ve done to get noticed.  Why did you do those things?
  8. Describe the first date you ever went on?  Who was it with?  What did you do?
  9. Write a paragraph describing you at this time in your life from the perspective of a close friend.  What would he or she say?
  10. Suddenly you can foresee the future.  What big changes will take place in the next twenty-five years?
  11. Describe your perfect day.  What are you doing?  Who are you with?  How do you feel?
  12. List all the ways you’ve changed for the better.
  13. If you could develop one skill, what would it be and why?
  14. What limiting beliefs are you holding onto?
  15. What can you do to start living your ideal life?
  16. Who do you enjoy being around most?  Why?  What activities do you do together?  What do you talk about?
  17. What personas do you want to have?
  18. How can I radiate optimism, kindness, energy, passion?
  19. Make a list of 10 things you’d like to achieve in the next 6 months.  It can be big or small.
  20. What are some of the things I want that others have?
  21. What stories do you retell over and over?
  22. What are some of the unique or extreme aspects of your character?
  23. Are you putting any of your life on hold?  Why?
  24. If you were to die tomorrow, what would be your biggest regret?  What can you do to make sure that doesn’t happen?
  25. What is your ideal diet?  What can you do to achieve your ideal diet?
  26. What do you fear most in life?
  27. What empowering beliefs can you take on to help you achieve your goals?
  28. What is the purpose of your life?  Why do you exist?  What is your mission?
  29. What are the times that you are most inspired, most motivated, and charged up?
  30. Who are the 5 people you spend the most time with?  Are these people enabling you or holding you back?
  31. Who are your life mentors?  Why?






June Journaling Prompts

June is almost here! YaY! I love summer! I’m creating a new journal series. I’ll post a list of monthly journaling prompts for each day of the month, probably a day or two before the month begins.  Feel free to print these prompts and glue them inside your journal! Have fun with markers and colorful pens.

Happy Journaling!  ENJOY this list of journaling prompts for each day of June!

  1. “If I knew I couldn’t fail I would…”
  2. What does your future look like?
  3. List 20 things you are grateful for?
  4. Write about someone you haven’t totally forgiven.
  5. Write down your thoughts about any stressful situation in your life, past, present or future.
  6. When was the last time you listened to your intuition?  What happened?
  7. Write about your favorite childhood memory.
  8. “One of my biggest desires is…”
  9. What do you feel as you envision your best?
  10. Write down your experiences with taking time to reflect.
  11. Getting away from it all means…
  12. “NOW I’m going to…”
  13. “Enhancing my creativity means…”
  14. How do you feel about your body?
  15. Write a letter to your younger self.  What would you say?  What advice would you give?
  16. Write about your dream house?  What does it look like?  Where do you live?  Who lives with you?  Describe the decorations and furniture.
  17. “The thing I fear most is…”
  18. Write about your favorite summer memory.
  19. How would your best friend describe you?
  20. “If I could change ______…” Why?
  21. Who is your role model?  Why do you look up to them?
  22. What made you smile today?
  23. What do you keep putting off for another day?
  24. How do you feel most loved?
  25. Write about a family tradition.
  26. “If I could met anyone, it would be….”  Why?
  27. What new skill would you like to learn?  What would be the very first step in making it happen?
  28. Describe your perfect date?  Who are you with?  What are you wearing?  What are you doing?
  29. What do you love to do?  Name a hobby or talent that you would gladly do for free.
  30. List your three month goals.  What steps can you take to move closer to you achieving your goals?